What is an Attack Surface?

What is an Attack Surface?

Attack surfaces are essentially all the potential entry points through which an unauthorized user may gain access to a system. These can include assets that are accessible via the internet, as well as gaps within an organization's information security network that could potentially be exploited or could be targeted by malicious actors to breach an organization's security..

Attack surfaces can be classified as either physical or digital, and it is imperative for individuals using an organization's assets to adopt measures to protect against both types. Physical attack surfaces are relatively more straightforward to secure, and it is essential to follow best practices to prevent unauthorized access. However, digital attack surfaces can be quite extensive and depend on the organization's assets, which could be known or unknown, making it crucial to take appropriate steps to protect against potential threats.

NVADR is a comprehensive attack surface management platform designed to discover and safeguard all potential vulnerabilities in your organization against external attacks. The platform enables users to identify and assess security vulnerabilities, as well as gain a deeper understanding of potential risk areas. By continuously analyzing the changing attack surfaces, NVADR facilitates the identification of potential threats, ultimately minimising the risk of cyber attacks. NVADR's capabilities are an essential tool to enhance an organization's security posture and reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks.

To read more about the Attack Surface page on NVADR, please refer to this article: